The leaves are grayish green, pointed and finely divided. The stem of the branches is tall and slightly arched, ending in umbels that branch out and from which other smaller umbels arise with white flowers with many petals.
From planting to harverst: 12 -13 weeks
12 plants /m2 net
Soil: Loose soil well drained with a level surface and t least 25 cm deep..
Netting: 3 levels. The plants grow between 1.5 and 1.8 m and therefore require a good tutored system.
CE: 1.2
Between two and three weeks after pinching it is recommended to de-sprout each stem, removing the axillary shoots. Re-do the task as the plant grows. It does not require light or gibberellins.
The daily volume of drip irrigation can be between 5.0-5.5 l / m2 / day, according to daily evaporation and organoleptic sampling. Avoid excess moisture in the soil to avoid the appearance of diseases.
The supply of high amounts of Nitrogen increases the susceptibility of plants to Botrytis. A general fertilization formula can be the following:
N: 120 ppm , P: 50 ppm, K: 150 ppm
Ca: 120 ppm, Mg: 50 ppm, S: 50 ppm
Fe: 2 ppm, Mn: 2.5 ppm, Cu,: 0.2 ppm
Zn: 0.2 ppm, B: 0.2 ppm.
It is recommended to harvest when 80% of the flowers of the umbel are open. If it is cut with less than 50% of the open flowers, hydration is difficult.
Use AVB (0.5cm3 /Lt of Water). Mix very well and add AVB Booster (1 cm3/Lt of Water. Keep the flower in this solution for 4 hrs. Then hydrate for 4 hrs in CHRYSAL PROFESSIONAL 2 (10 cm3/Lt of Water).